in Bangladesh,medicines are purchased and handled by non pharmacists and non graduates pharmacists.compounding has been largely replaced by the commercial manufacture of nearly all formulations.medicines can be bought in super markets,in drug stores or at markets.they can also be obtained by mail order or over the internet;they can sold by medical practitioner dispensed by computerized dispensing machines.
Under this circumstances it is important to ask the following points.DO we still need pharmacists?what is the value of pharmacy services?
professions exist to serve society .hence the mission of the pharmacy must address the needs the society and individual patients.
at one time ,the acts of deciding of drug therapy and implementing it were relatively simple ,safe and in-expensive the physicians prescribed and the pharmacists dispensed . a substantial number of evidenced showed that the traditional method of prescribing and dispensing medication is no longer appropriate to ensure safety ,effectiveness, and adherence to drug therapy .
the consequences of medicines error are costly in terms of hospitalizations,physicians visit s,laboratory tests and remedial therapy
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